
Print ISSN 1016-2283


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"Blackness" Revisited: The Rhetoric of Slavery and Freedom in E.D.E.N.Southworth`s The Hidden Hand
Byron`s Don Juan VII-VIII: Characters` Diverse Attitudes toward Glory through War
Dialectical Images: William Carlos Williams`s Avant-Garde Poetry
Going Wilde: Prendick, Montgomery and Late-Victorian Homosexuality in The Island of Doctor Moreau
James Joyce and Ethno-sexual Boundary Crossings
"Magic Imperialism": The Logic of magic in Edith Nesbit`s Fantasy Novels
The Mechanics of the Victorian Dramatic Monologue and its Theoretical Implications for the Novel
Ontological Violence: “Ambiguous Undulations” between “Sunday Morning” and Sunny Day`s Morning
Unknown Power, Impotentiality in Herman Melville`s Pierre, or the Ambiguities